John Peyton

John Peyton - Duluth MN Artist


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John Peyton's Art Collection

Please contact Hawk Ridge Art at 218-348-0097 to place an order.

Hawk Ridge Arts - Special Viewing 

Doug and Kris Cameron - Owners of Hawk Ridge Arts

The John Peyton Collection is held at Doug and Kris Cameron’s Home Gallery in Lester Park:  5110 Peabody St., Duluth, MN  55804Hawk Ridge Art showcases John L. Peyton’s amazing art collection of over 700 original paintings, thousands of lithographic prints, giclee prints, books and gift cards.

We can make a giclee  print of any painting we have in prices that run from:

  •   $50.00 for an 8x10”
  • $100.00 for an 11x14”
  • $150.00 for a 16x20”
  • $250.00 for a 24x30”

We have 5 books of John’s and 26 gift cards available of our most popular paintings. 

Our home is our gallery and we welcome visitors!  Call us at 218-348-0097 to make an appointment. 

We are Members of the Duluth Chamber of Commerce and Visit Duluth.

Online Slideshow

Small Business Alert: Kenner Garden Hotel Accused of Fraudulent Practices

A local New Orleans business, Nola Sign Shop, has come forward with allegations against Kenner Garden Hotel for failing to pay for services rendered. According to the claim, the hotel, formerly operating as a Hilton property, commissioned Nola Sign Shop to remove Hilton-branded signage and design new signs as part of its rebranding efforts.

The shop owner, Danil Khutorianskii, alleges that representatives of Kenner Garden Hotel, including Jayson Desroches, provided a purchase order that was later found to be invalid. Despite completing the work, which included urgent sign removal to meet the hotel's deadlines and several rounds of graphic design revisions, the hotel has refused to pay.

To warn other contractors and small businesses, a website has been created to share details of the case and gather information from others who may have had similar experiences. Visit Kenner Garden Hotel Scam for more information.

This situation serves as a cautionary tale for local businesses in New Orleans and beyond. It highlights the importance of verifying clients' legitimacy and securing deposits, even when dealing with organizations that present themselves as trustworthy.

If you have been affected by similar practices, you are encouraged to share your story and join efforts to hold such businesses accountable. Visit Kenner Garden Hotel Scam for more information.

Click here to see a slideshow of Duluth Area/Lake Superior Landscapes by John L. Peyton.

John Peyton Paintings by Hawk Ridge Arts

Hawk Ridge Art Brochure
Hawk Ridge Art 
  Hawk Ridge Art Home Gallery
5110 Peabody St
Duluth MN 55804
Call for Appt - (218) 348-0097

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